It's all about you
Is there a feeling of disconnection, not good enough, or something ‘missing’ in your life? Do you strive for the next big purchase or goal; busy yourself with mundane tasks; have an attachment or addiction? Are you living or just 'coping'?
I fundamentally believe that investing time into yourself is one of the greatest gifts that can nourish your mind, body, and soul. You are worth it. But do YOU believe you are?
You have the answers within you, and my role is to help you uncover the truth. If you are ready to create a more fulfilling life: take that step, make that call and reach out, because it all starts with YOU.
Don’t hide away your greatness, it is time for you to be seen and heard. Well…. I am all ears!

What I Offer
I provide a safe space for you to open up, and either take a peek or throw yourself into self-awareness. Your journey depends on how much you would like to work on yourself to align with your authenticity. We explore this together and my commitment is there for you through ongoing mentorship and support.
I host fun, interactive workshops with techniques that combine self-development and energy management to explore a logical head, uplift a heavy heart and ignite your passions.
I am familiar with working in a corporate setting and offer bespoke sessions for well-being in the workplace. I deliver inspirational talks and taster sessions offering insight into energy work, positive intelligence, laughter yoga and self-love. If you would like more details or to book... let’s talk.

Here's the bit about me
I am Tracey Vaughan. Product of my own experiment. An avid follower of my heart. Empath. Communicator. Deep Thinker. Multi-passionate creator.
I have taken a long time to understand my own thread in this great tapestry of life, and I have now discovered its simplicity.
To spark joy and creativity in myself and others.
Now that ignition takes energy, and luckily energy is the one thing that has ignited my flame over the past decade.
Energy healing, in many forms, is the common theme that runs through all of my therapies, interconnecting everything holistically and intuitively.
I love the variety of my work because it is in alignment with who I am. For as long as I recall, I have been told that I should focus on one thing and stick with it because I can’t do everything!
This may be true for some, but I struggled to fit into that box. I am curious to accomplish many diverse things.
It’s my human design.
This belief was one of the hardest ones that I had to shift, and in doing so I found this comforting and in line with my souls’ blueprint.
I have always had a thirst for knowledge and when I share this, it is fuelled with the intention of igniting positive change in everybody who I work with.
Using my expertise as a holistic practitioner, I can help you quieten the mind chatter and access the truth within your heart.
I love my spiritual life; the connection that I have with my higher self. I have worked hard to achieve inner peace and harmony in my world and I still invest time and energy in myself to maintain it.
It is a continuous, unfolding path and one that intrigues me, every single day.

A blessing in de-skies
For three decades I worked within the airline industry, and becoming a spiritual teacher whilst working in a corporate setting did have its challenges, but it was ultimately very rewarding.
I may have been flying high at 38,000 feet but ironically I had reached an all-time low. For years I was an over-thinker, a worrier, and had built a wall so big to shield my heart, I sometimes wondered if it was still beating! It was exhausting.
I struggled to keep up the façade of a social butterfly and seriously needed to address my anxiety-riddled caterpillar. In 2012 I decided to explore a new route that no aircraft could take me on - the journey from my head to my heart.
I have extensive knowledge of how stress, outdated attitudes, and disconnection can impact self-worth. I believe it takes a level of self-responsibility to achieve a healthy work/life balance and I am living proof that you can remove layers of ancestral beliefs to create the life that aligns with your truth.

My Other Hat!
Alongside my spiritual practice, I spend a few hours each week working with seniors. Some are living with short-term dementia and some just need help and support.
Our main aim is to lessen isolation by offering companionship, and by building on this relationship we promote independence. This enables them to stay in their homes for as long as it is safely possible.
I feel honoured to work with such senior souls and the one thing that I love about them….
They have lived.
It touches my heart when they share their stories and wisdom, what they have accomplished in their lifetime and how they view the world now.
I am grateful to work with a team who shares the same enthusiasm and energy, and who really wants to make a difference.
I find this role very grounding and in line with my practice. It’s never short of its daily dose of, empathy, compassion, laughter and most of all patience.